October - December 2022
October - December 2022
Because the World Turns Very Slowly - by Joachim H. Bottcher
- Best Director
- Best Actress: Anita Stenke
- Best Ensemble Cast
- Best Score
- Best Score
Honorable Mention: - Best Filmmaker: Joachim H. Bottcher
- Best Supporting Actor: Thomas Seifert
Nominee: - Best Actress: Sarah Baumgartner
- Best Supporting Actress: Kaija Ledergerber
Bullet for Vengeance - by Raphael Lim
Winner: - Best Supporting Actor: Kris Mavericko
- Best supporting Actress: Agnes Goh
- Best Action
- Best Choreography
- Best Coloring
Honorable Mentions: - Best Film
- Best Director
- Best Actor: Garry Gan
- Best Ensemble Cast
- Best Thriller
Nominations: - Best filmmaker: Jonathan Cheong
Cognition - by Ravi Ajit Chopra
Winner: - Best Actor: Andrew Scott
- Best Sci-Fi
- Best Editing
- Best VFX
Honorable Mentions: - Best Supporting Actress: Lucy Russell
- Best Action
Nominations: - Best Film
- Best Director
- Best Actor: Jeremy Irvine
Dreams of the Past - by Dmitri Frolov
Winner: - Best Filmmaker
Nominations: - Best Film
Full Moon - by John Vo, Ken Yoffe, Ellen Weisberg
Winner: - Best Animation
Nomination: - Best Film
Ballada for Galilei - by Ralitza Dimitrova
Winner: - Best Documentary Short
Farming Without Farming - by Sorin Pavelesco
Winner: - Best Documentary Feature
Malus - by Jack Judd
Winner: Best Comedy
Mukti - by Harshit Bongarde
Winner: - Best Drama
Enough or Too Much - by Sid Sirkia
Winner: - Best Experimental
Rescue Me - by P. J. Bracco
Winner: - Best Musical Video
Down and Out in Vampire Hills - by Craig Railsback
Winner: - Best Horror
- Best Make-Up
Nomination: - Best Comedy
Under Tension - by Mireille Fievet
Winner: - Best Thriller
Nominations: - Best Director
- Best Actress: Mireille Fievet
- Best Ensemble Cast
- Best Drama
Autonomus - by Birgitta Liljedahl, Therése Neaimé, Henrik Norman, Anna Brixter
Honorable Mention: - Best Drama
Spirit, Light and Love - by J. D. Mata
Nomination: - Best Musical Video
Perfect Ten - by Felicia Mead
Nomination: - Best Director
Ripe Fruit - by Cedrik Spinassou
Nomination: - Best Director
Samhain ReBornes - by Bruno Miguel Resende
Nomination: - Best Experimental
Too Little, Too Late - by Sammy Simmans, John Ryder
Nomination: - Best Drama
Gangland Gold - by Martyn Harris
Nomination: Best Thriller
Finalist: Drama
Hector Heat Stroke - by MICKE
Nomination: - Best Comedy
ZORZAL - by Ileana Andrea Gomez Gavinoser
Turn of Fate - by Melissa Stanton
WAAQT - by Shailesh Acharekar
The Reporter from Ocoee with Love - by Peter Boiadzhieff
Braaking Newz - by Peter Boiadzhieff
The nurse's Whistle - by Jacques MICKE
Jamais (Nunca) - by Ileana Andrea Gomez Gavinoser
Jackpot - by Ku Diggs
Weatherly's Danny boy - by Claude Bouillin
Forever Lucy - by Colin Burden
Chocolate Monsters 2 (Baseball) - by Nicky Naudé
Official Selection: A Movie is Born - by Peter Boiadzhieff