October 2021


Symbiosis - by Alberto Nacci 
- Best Film
- Best Performing Duo  
- Best Musical Video

 Madrid, Drawings... and Foreign Girls - by Luis Galan 
- Best Foreign Film
- Best Score
- Best Cinematography
- Best Poster 

 Layla's Rain - by Kit Wilson 
- Best Art Production
- Best Costumes

 The Order - by Jean Buschmann 
- Best Directress
- Best Actress Ahana Dave

 Dance of the Hours - by Bruno Miguel Resende 
- Best Experimental
- Best Sound Design

 A Tale of Redemption and Regret with Sunny the Heat - by Eric Carosella 
- Best Neo Noir Film
- Best Noir Actor Stephen Sorrentino
- Best Supporting Actor Patrick Heraghty 

 TimeBOY the hard ride - by Rod Power 
- Best Child Actor Rodney jr.
- Best No-Budget Film
- Best Martial Arts Choreography

 Vuja De - by Joby Varghese 
- Best Concept
- Best Young Actress Athira Patel

 the game just got real - by Bellopropello
- Best Concept
- Best Animation Film

 Machine Learning - by Cameron Currin
- Best Actor Michael Oilar
- Best Sci-fi Film
- Best Blended Genres 

2021 Golden Reel International Film Festival | All rights reserved.
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