Thorsten Schade

Thorsten Schade is a German filmmaker, actor and writer. As an actor, he worked at theaters and for German television. "The invitation (Die Einladung)" "is his fifth short film from 2019, which he wrote, produced and directed. "The Invitation (Die Einladung)" has won 166 awards so far, including festivals like Austin After Dark 2020 - Best International Film, Oregon Scream Week 2020 - Best International Film, Dead in Decatur 2020, Dumbo Film Festival 2020, Vegas Movie Awards 2020 - Best Horror, Reqium 2020, Queen Palm 2020 - Silver Best Horror, PopCon 2021, Marina Del Rey Film Festival 2021, ShortsTV Worldwide Film Festival 2021 - Semi Finalist (for now), Flickers Rhode Island International Film Festival 2021 - Semi Finalist, Vortex Sci-Fi, Fantasy & Horror Film Festival and many more.
The Fox - Das Internat (The Fox -The boarding school (Shortfilm), 2008
Überraschungsparty (Surprise Party) (Shortfilm), 2009
Die coolen Drei (The cool three) (Shortfilm), 2009
Showtime (Shortfilm), 2011
The Invitation (Die Einladung) (Shortfilm), 2019

The Invitation (Die Einladung)

Hello, because there have already been inquiries about this. Film and trailer have switchable English subtitles. Click on CC. Best wishes,
Thorsten Schade