Before Life After Death

Before Life After Death

is an endearing story that revolves around the young Gauri and the doctor Radhika in a current social plot that touches on sensitive issues such as teenage pregnancy, depression and suicide, as well as the difficulties that immigrants face in the complex Singaporean society. The carefully chosen cast features the spectacular performance of Namita Lal as Radhika who captains the film's sea of emotions, followed by the no less fantastic performance of Gauraangi Chopra as Gauri, Shalmalee Vaidya as Gauri's stepmother and Kris Mavericko (Award Winner for Best Supporting Actor in Bullet for Vengeance in our earlier edition)  as Krish, who despite having less presence on the screen has a key role as the main sentimental anchor for the young Gauri. The first act may seem unnecessarily long but we will soon understand that this slow pace needs to be expressed in this way to ensure the correct perception of the message to be transmitted. Personally, I would have liked a stronger presence of dramatic elements both by the cinematography and by the soundtrack, but in art there is no right nor wrong doing. Congratulations to Anshul Tiwari and Debasmita Dasgupta for successfully carrying out this ambitious project and bringing the Singaporean title to the international film scene. - Leonidas Stanescu 

Netflix link here .

IMDb link here .

2021 Golden Reel International Film Festival | All rights reserved.
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