What's New?
Our Festival is closing its doors, probably for a long time, due to the high level of amount of work within the industry. We hope to be back though with excitement and probably restructured to a yearly event. We want to thank you all for your support while we were active and please, don't stop doing what you love the most.
Leonidas Stanescu
Fees Revamped
During the pandemic and later on with the Ukraine war, when prices started to increase to absurd levels of insanity while many of us lost our jobs or have been facing financial challenges We took the opposite course of action, WE REVAMPED OUR FEES, bringing them to as low as $6 (*) from our original $40. On the sad side certain services are no longer included in the fee becoming optional instead such as Certificates, Notes and Blogs on our website and all our previous discount codes have been cancelled.
(*) for short films.
While most Festivals accept only pilots G.R.I.F.F. is now accepting Series in their full length. Submitter can chose either use a Vimeo link either full series in a bundle as one solo project.
Complete restructuring
Certificates for all participants [*]
Upon request all participants will have the possibility to obtain their certificate including not selected projects which will follow the format of Participation.
[*] disqualified submissions are not eligible.
[*] disqualified submissions are not eligible.